Positive Parenting Program (Triple P): Level 1 Universal


Family Support

Child's Age

0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years





Brief Description

Communications strategy designed to put parenting on the public agenda and raise awareness of the need to support parents by destigmatizing and normalizing parents seeking parenting help, increase the visibility of positive parenting programs, encourage parents to participate in positive parenting programs, and promoting parents' confidence and self-sufficiency. Must be provided in conjunction with other Triple P programs.

Expected Impact

Varies depending upon the selected paired program(s).

Core Components for Model Fidelity

Community-wide implementation comes from building or sustaining capacity in several key areas:

  • Public Awareness: Awareness among multiple stakeholder audiences helps to create a collective sense of buy-in and support for Triple P. Public awareness and positive perceptions of Triple P is the foundation for partnerships, resource sharing, funding, and program engagement. Awareness may come from both media formats and networks of people talking to others in the community and spreading the word.
  • Inclusion of Parents and Caregivers in Co-creating Relevant Communication Strategies, Messages, and Materials: Including families and community partners in developing outreach, marketing, and direct to caregiver content helps ensure that the materials are culturally relevant and resonate with varied audiences to promote action - whether it's seeking parenting support, taking the next step to being trained as a Triple P provider, or offering space to host Triple P.
  • Accessible, Culturally Relevant Services that Meet Needs, from Levels 1-5: Strong community buy-in and participation can help meet parenting-support demand and create easy-to-access services. Triple P online (TPOL), for example, is a widely accessible, free or low-cost format for caregivers to find parenting support. Caregiver and community partner inclusion in Triple P implementation, combined with regular data review, can help communities ensure equitable Triple P reach. Triple P Level 1- Universal Triple P must be provided in conjunction with at least one other Triple P model in order to collect pre/post data and analyze participant-level outcomes. Universal Triple P cannot be implemented as a standalone program. 
  • Strong Community and System Partnerships: Building relationships with community systems, such as schools, health networks, community support centers (think YMCAs, YWCAs), libraries, and other systems to promote Triple P, refer caregivers, or offer space for services can help ensure universal and widespread reach.
  • Coalitions and Leadership Teams: Coalition and leadership teams are the community voices at the table that help guide implementation, accessibility, relevance, and accountability. These groups by definition should be broadly representative of the entire community.

Languages Materials are Available in


Delivery Mode

Communication strategies that are relevant to the focused population and community.


As needed.

Infrastructure for Implementation

Materials: Includes brochures, posters, newspaper columns, billboards, etc.

Staffing Requirements

Varies depending upon the selected paired program(s) and communication strategies.

NCPC strongly recommends staff receive training in the Standards of Quality for Family Support and Strengthening. Contact Positive Childhood Alliance North Carolina (PCANC) or National Family Support Network (NFSN) for more information, training, and certification. 

Training for Model Fidelity

Varies depending upon the selected paired program(s) and communication strategies.

Contact Information



Sara van Driel, PhD: Community Engagement/Implementation Consultant at Triple P America; sara@triplep.net

Ashley Lindsay: Community Engagement/Implementation Consultant at Triple P America; ashley.lindsay@triplep.net

Cost Estimates

Triple P Level 1- Universal Triple P must be provided in conjunction with at least one other model that is more intensive in order to collect pre/post data and analyze participant-level outcomes. Cost estimates vary depending upon the selected paired program(s).

Purpose Service Code (PSC)

5505 - Parent Education

Program Identifier (PID)

Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) - Level 1 Universal

Minimal Outputs for NCPC Reporting

FY 24-25:

  • No outputs required

Minimal Outcomes for NCPC Reporting

FY 24-25: 

  • Increase in positive parenting practices

Minimal Measures for NCPC Reporting

FY 24-25:

  • N/A

NCPC Evidence Categorization

  Evidence Informed- Industry Standard

Research Summary

Triple P Level 1- Universal Triple P must be provided in conjunction with at least one other Triple P model that is more intensive in order to collect pre/post data and analyze participant-level outcomes. Universal Triple P cannot be implemented as a standalone program. NCPC requires that Universal Triple P be paired with other Triple P offerings. Outcomes vary depending upon the selected paired program(s).

Researched Population

Varies depending upon the selected paired program(s) and communication strategies.

Local Partnerships Currently Implementing

Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Positive Parenting Program (Triple P): Level 1 Universal. Local Partnership contact information can be found here.