Family Support
Child's Age
3-4 years, 4-5 years
English, Spanish, French
Incredible Years (IY) Preschool Parenting Program (Basic) is a parent education program promoting positive parenting strategies to promote children’s academic, social, and emotional skills and reduce conduct problems in children ages 3-6 years. Preschool Basic also reduces parents’ symptoms of depression, stress, and anger.
English, Spanish, French
Groups meet in-person in accessible community locations. Based on community and family needs, virtual and one-on-one home visits can be offered. Virtual groups must serve a smaller group size and provide shorter, more frequent group meetings than in-person group meetings. One-on-one delivery during home visits can be provided for make-up sessions, booster sessions, or full program delivery.
Minimum of 14 weekly sessions, each lasting 2 to 2.5 hours. When serving high-need families or offering Preschool Parenting Program (Basic) as a treatment program, up to 6 more sessions can be provided for a total of 20 sessions.
Materials: Incredible Years Preschool Parenting Program (Basic) curriculum kit; Incredible Years: A Troubleshooting Guidebook for parents; audio-visual equipment for showing video vignettes; paper, pens, flipchart, markers, name tags, stickers or other prizes.
Space: Room large enough to seat 12-14 people in chairs in an open circle, with space for small group breakouts.
Other: Childcare, transportation, and food (snacks or a meal) are strongly recommended.
Group sessions are led by 2 trained Parenting Program Group leaders with various backgrounds, including social work, cognitive psychology, nursing, medicine, and education. Parenting Program Group leaders are recommended to complete at least one course in child development and be trained in social learning theory. At least one of the two Parenting Program Group leaders must have a bachelor’s degree or higher with relevant work or life experience.
NCPC strongly recommends staff receive training in the Standards of Quality for Family Support and Strengthening. Contact Positive Childhood Alliance North Carolina (PCANC) or National Family Support Network (NFSN) for more information, training, and certification.
Training for Parenting Program Group leaders or facilitators is available online (5 days of training in total, spaced out over a couple of weeks to allow participants time in between the sessions for self-study, with each training day lasting 3.25 hours). Training is available every month.
If enough individuals express interest, Incredible Years can send a trainer to provide on-site, in-person training. In-person, on-site training is scheduled 3-6 months ahead.
For more information on training, visit the IY Toddler, Preschool, & School-Age Parenting Programs (Basic) Group Leader Training webpage.
Lisa Wallace-Gloria, M.Ed.:; 206-285-7565
Startup costs:
Ongoing costs:
5505 - Parent Education
Incredible Years (IY) - Preschool Basic
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Informed- 2 studies, 1 of which uses a randomized controlled trial model with a comparison group.
Two of the most recent publications on Incredible Years (IY) Preschool Parenting Program (Basic) include a randomized controlled trial sampling the parents of children with behavioral problems1 and an evaluation of the program’s impacts for children with symptoms of ADHD.2 Results of these studies found that children displaying greater symptoms of ADHD benefitted the most from Preschool Parenting Program (Basic) compared with their peers who displayed fewer symptoms of ADHD, despite continuing to score highly on scales assessing symptoms of hyperactivity. Children with behavioral problems whose parents participated in Preschool Basic scored below the clinical cutoff on the Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and demonstrated greater improvements in child behavior, social competence, and hyperactivity compared with their peers in the waitlisted control group. Parents who participated in Preschool Basic also reported greater reductions in their symptoms of depression, stress, and use of overreactive or aversive parenting practices compared with nonparticipating parents.
Azevedo, A. F., Seabra-Santos, M. J., Gaspar, M. F., & Homem, T. C. (2015). Do Portuguese Preschoolers With High Hyperactive Behaviors Make More Progress Than Those With Low Hyperactivity After Parental Intervention? Journal of Early Intervention, 37(2). 119-137.
McGilloway, S., Mhaille, G. N., Bywater, T., Furlong, M., Leckey, Y., Kelly, P., Comiskey, C., & Donnelly, M. (2011). A Parenting Intervention for Childhood Behavioral Problems: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Disadvantaged Community-Based Settings. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(1), 116-127.
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Incredible Years (IY): Preschool Parenting Program (Basic). Local Partnership contact information can be found here.