Early Care and Education
Child's Age
4-5 years
Children, Parents/Guardian, ECE Owner/Operator, ECE Teachers
English, Other
Kindergarten Transition support is focused on building communication and relationships between educators and families and between preschool and kindergarten teachers to ensure a successful transition to kindergarten. Transition Goal in NC: All young children birth through age 8 and their families are engaged and supported as they transition between home, early care and education programs, and schools. Early care and education programs and schools collaborate so that they are ready to support all children effectively and engage with families and each other within the context of the community to plan transitions that meet the diverse needs of all children and families. Aligned with NC Transition - Guiding Principles & Practices.
English, Other*
*Contact purveyor about additional available languages.
Community transition leadership team convening and planned transition practices are typically provided in-person and may be supplemented virtually as needed.
Kindergarten transition support is provided on an ongoing, regular basis beginning the year before kindergarten, through entry, and until the end of kindergarten (roughly two years). Specific dosages and services provided vary depending on the needs of the community and individual children and families.
Staffing requirements at the Local Partnership/DSP level may vary.
DPI and DCDEE provide networking and training opportunities for the Guiding Principles, transition planning, and BOQ self-assessment at least twice a year. DPI provides resources for those interested in learning more about kindergarten transitions on their website. DPI is also creating a menu of support with additional topic-specific opportunities for training and support. Additionally, NCPC strongly recommends:
Dan Tetreault: Assistant Director of Early Learning, Office of Early Learning in the Division of Standards, Accountability, and Research of the NC Department of Public Instruction; (984) 236-2749,
Jessica Fitzgerald: Early Learning Coordinator, Office of Early Learning in the Division of Standards, Accountability, and Research of the NC Department of Public Instruction;
Cost estimates vary based on community, school, and family needs.
3122 - Child Care Systems Building
Kindergarten Transitions
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Informed- Industry Standard
The most relevant publications on kindergarten transitions include a crosswalk of ESSA, NC PreK, and Head Start requirements from North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction,1 a toolkit from New America,2 a report and theory of change for transitions from Head Start to kindergarten,3 a brief from the Education Commission of the States,4 a brief from the National P-3 Center,5 a report summarizing recommendations specific to children with disabilities,6 and a brief summarizing findings from the Transition to Kindergarten Pilot program in North Carolina, funded by the Preschool Development Grant Birth to Age 5 (PDG B-5).7 These resources outline best practices and basic requirements of plans to support a smooth transition from preschool to kindergarten. Overall, best practices and state recommendations indicate that transition plans must: use a whole child approach; involve parents/families, educators, administrators, and other decision-makers in developing the plan; reduce barriers to quality education; provide ongoing supports to children, families, and educators; and provide opportunities for families to engage in their children’s education. It is essential that roles, responsibilities, and goals are clearly defined in transition plans. Individualized, intensive supports (such as home visits) are the most effective at easing the transition to kindergarten for all children, including children with disabilities and children from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds. Shared professional development opportunities for early childhood and kindergarten educators are associated with using more transition practices, fostering aligned perspectives, building cross-systems connections, and increasing teacher knowledge. Engaging in activities between families and schools/programs is associated with a positive adjustment to kindergarten, greater academic improvements in kindergarten, reduced likelihood of challenging behaviors, and greater language skills than children whose schools/programs did not engage with families on an individual basis.
Additionally, North Carolina state legislation, N.C.G.S. SL 2016-94-12B.5.(d), requires collaboration and data sharing between preschool teachers, parents/caregivers, and kindergarten teachers and/or the schools that receive incoming kindergarteners. North Carolina’s Local Educating Agency/Head Start Coordination Guidance provides further guidance for education agencies to include data sharing, coordination, and transitions in their activities.
Atchison, B., & Pompelia, S. (2018). Transitions and Alignment from Preschool to Kindergarten. Education Commission of the States.
Crosswalk of Requirements. (n.d.).
Ehrlich, S. B., Cook, K. D., Tomson, D., Kauerz, K., Barrows, M. R., Halle, T., Gordon, M. F., Soli, M., Schaper, A., Her, S., Guerra, G. (2021). Understanding cross-systems transitions from Head Start to kindergarten: A Review of the knowledge base and a theory of change, OPRE Report # 2021-128, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Kauerz, K., & Schaper, A. (2021). Transition to Kindergarten: Findings from Recent Research. National P-3 Center.
LaForett, D., R., Villegas, E., Diamond, Z., & Simons Gerson, C. (2023). Transition to kindergarten: Lessons from North Carolina’s state-wide efforts. Child Trends.
N. C. Gen. Stat. Session Law 2016-94, Section 12B.5.(d).
NC Early Childhood Foundation, Education Counsel, & Public Schools of North Carolina. (2019). Local Education Agency/Head Start Coordination Guidance.
New America. (2022). Toolkit for Using Policy to Enable Effective and Supportive Transitions for Children, Families, & Educators.
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. (n.d.). Kindergarten | NC DPI.
Sands, M. M., & Meadan, H. (2021). A Successful Kindergarten Transition for Children with Disabilities: Collaboration Throughout the Process. Early Childhood Education Journal, 50. 1133-1141.
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Kindergarten Transitions. Local Partnership contact information can be found here.