
Early Care and Education

Child's Age

0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years


ECE Owner/Operator, ECE Teachers


English, Spanish

Brief Description

LearnERS CQI is a professional development tool based on the Environment Rating Scales that provides learning and continuous quality improvement opportunities. Learners CQI is designed for program directors, educators, family child care networks, and technical assistants (TAs) who serve as coaches.

Expected Impact

  • Increase in ECE core foundational knowledge
  • Increase in educators’ reflection on opportunities for continuous quality improvement
  • Based on the above, improved program quality scores

Core Components for Model Fidelity

  • Collaborative Curriculum: LearnERS CQI provides ECE educators with core foundational ECE knowledge regarding topics including but not limited to planning a safe and healthy learning environment, advancing children’s physical and intellectual development, and supporting children’s social and emotional development LearnERS CQI is centered around a facilitated process involving a coach, site director, and educators moving through the three components of LearnERS CQI:
    • Online learning modules
    • CQI journals
    • Peer learning sessions
  • Continuous Quality Improvement: Educators are provided with opportunities to reflect and choose individualized CQI journals for program improvement.
  • Data Driven Process: LearnERS CQI uses data to identify which item(s) in ECERS, ITERS, or FCCERS to focus on quality improvement. 
  • CEUs and CDA Training Hours: ECE educators are awarded CEUs upon successful completion. Educators are also awarded Child Development Associate (CDA) training hours (for CDA subject areas 1, 2, and/or 3) for each completed LearnERS module. Through LearnERS, individuals can obtain 10 hours in each of the first three subject areas with the option to earn an additional 40 hours.

Languages Materials are Available in

English, Spanish

Delivery Mode

Online or in-person facilitated peer learning sessions.


Each learning module takes an average of two hours to complete. There is a 12-month subscription available for both versions with the dosage subject to the availability of the subscribers.

Coaches provide 1-2 peer learning sessions per module with each session lasting 60 minutes. 

Infrastructure for Implementation

Materials: Must have internet access and a device to access the online modules and participate in virtual peer learning groups. A computer or tablet is recommended for taking the module.

Staffing Requirements

Users are not required to be familiar with ECERS, ITERS, or FCCERS to use LearnERS. Coaches must complete the Branagh Group training for coaches in order to support educators and directors going through LearnERS CQI.

Training for Model Fidelity

Branagh Group provides scheduled online or in-person training for the coaches/TA.

Contact Information


Keri Anderson: LearnERS Professional Development Manager; 877-377-8258 ext. 525, Keri.Anderson@branaghgroup.com

Cost Estimates

  • Startup training/orientation for up to 10 coaches: $2,500. 
  • Onsite, in-person training for an additional fee.
  • 12-month LearnERS Portal for Coaches and Providers: prices vary based on number of subscribers.
  • The fee for coaches to access LearnERS CQI is $485 each, with an additional fee for teachers/administrators of $149 each.

Purpose Service Code (PSC)

 3125 - Quality Child Care

Program Identifier (PID)


Minimal Outputs for NCPC Reporting

FY 24-25:

  • Number of child care facilities participating
  • Number of ECE professionals participating

Minimal Outcomes for NCPC Reporting

FY 24-25:

  •  Improved teacher knowledge

Minimal Measures for NCPC Reporting

FY 24-25:

  •  LearnERS Pre and Post Assessment Scores

NCPC Evidence Categorization

Evidence Informed- 2 case studies with unique cohorts.

Research Summary

Two of the most recent publications on LearnERS: CQI Coaching Framework are case studies set in Wards 7 and 8 in Washington, D.C.,1 and Green Bay Early Childhood Center (GBECC) in Illinois.2 Participants included early educators in schools serving Latinx and Black children, children living in poverty, and regions reporting the greatest need for quality child care seats. In both studies, ERS scores were compared before and after completing LearnERS modules. Results from GBECC indicated that an average of 33 staff members completed 8 LearnERS modules and their overall ECERS-3 scores improved by 19% or 0.82 points, resulting in the overall average score in 2022 being in the Good (5) range. In D.C., overall FCCERS-R total scores increased from 3.0 (Minimal) in 2017 to 5.95 (Good) in 2018. Some of the most notable improvements occurred in the subscales of Space and Furnishing, Interaction, and Program Structure.

  1. See Case Study: FCCERS-3 Pre/Post Data with LearnERS Intervention (n.d.). This case study reports findings from an implementation of LearnERS in Wards 7 and 8 in Washington, D.C. These wards have the greatest need for high-quality early learning facilities that serve children from birth to age 3. Family child care providers had access to LearnERS: CQI Coaching Framework modules from 2018-2022. Their 2017 and 2018 FCCERS assessment scores were compared, demonstrating an increase in overall FCCERS-R total scores from 3.0 (Minimal) in 2017 to 5.95 (Good) in 2018. Some of the most notable improvements occurred in the subscales of Space and Furnishing, Interaction, and Program Structure.
  2. See Case Study: ECERS-3 Pre/Post Data with LearnERS Intervention (n.d.). This report reflects findings from a case study of the LearnERS Framework implemented at Green Bay Early Childhood Center (GBECC). GBECC primarily serves Latinx and Black children living in poverty and, in 2018, was staffed by approximately 35 teachers and paraprofessionals who served about 280 preschoolers. All 14 classrooms were assessed by a state assessor who observed each classroom for 3 hours using the ECERS-3. Teaching staff had access to the LearnERS: CQI Coaching Framework modules between 2018-2022 then reassessed in 2022 (due to pandemic restrictions, only 6 of the original 14 classrooms were reassessed). An average of 33 staff members completed 8 LearnERS modules and their overall ECERS-3 scores improved by 19% or 0.82 points, resulting in the overall average score in 2022 being in the Good (5) range.

Researched Population

  • Teachers from Washington, D.C., and Illinois who serve children from low-income and racially/ethnically diverse families

Case Study: ECERS-3 Pre/Post Data with LearnERS Intervention (n.d.).

Case Study: FCCERS-3 Pre/Post Data with LearnERS Intervention (n.d.).

Local Partnerships Currently Implementing

Local Partnerships in purple have adopted LearnERS CQI. Local Partnership contact information can be found here.