Family Support
Child's Age
0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years
English, Spanish, French, German, Other
A broad-based parenting intervention delivered online. Triple P Online introduces users to Triple P’s 17 core parenting skills – simple strategies to encourage positive behavior and to prevent and manage misbehavior. Web-based program that guides parents of children with severe behavioral difficulties through Triple P's 17 core parenting skills. Includes opt-in text/email reminders of goals and strategies.
English, Spanish, French, German, Other*
*Contact purveyor about additional available languages.
Virtual; optional telephone consultations
Eight 45-minute sessions completed at parents' self-pace. Optional but strongly recommended 2-4 telephone consultations with a practitioner to provide technical assistance and support as parents implement the strategies.
Materials: Each family receives a Triple P Online access code. Within the program, a text summary of the content is continuously imported to an individualized workbook, which parents can print or email. Parents also receive worksheets, podcasts (English versions only), and emailed module summaries. Parent needs information on how to access TPOL, which in NC is Parents will need to register to obtain access to TPOL.
No direct staff required to deliver TPOL. It is optional to have a trained Triple P practitioner support parents through consultations. When agencies can provide that practitioner it often enables better parent access and engagement. However, NC has a support system in place to provide consultations to parents who request support at the state-level.
No staffing/training is required, but practitioners may provide supplemental support to participants. Practitioners who provide consultative support on the content of the TPOL program must complete an approved training program and accreditation process through Triple P America. Training is available in-person or through a hybrid option supported by video conference.
The virtual and in-person options include 3 days of training, 1 day of pre-accreditation, and a half-day accreditation day. Preparation for the accreditation day requires 4-6 hours of time to prepare for the quiz and competency assessment. It is also strongly recommended that practitioners engage in peer support post-training, which can vary in time and/or frequency (usually about 1 hour a month, but may be more in the beginning).
Sara van Driel, PhD: Community Engagement/Implementation Consultant at Triple P America;
Ashley Lindsay: Community Engagement/Implementation Consultant at Triple P America;
There are currently no costs for parents to access TPOL in North Carolina. Free access to parents is available at If an agency wants to train a practitioner to be able to provide consultation support, please see training costs in other Triple P levels.
5505 - Parent Education
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) - Level 4 Online
FY 24-25:
†Select Family Support Programs data collection will include basic demographic data for parent/guardian participants including Race, Ethnicity. Data on interpretation and transportation will be collected when appropriate.
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FY 24-25:
Evidence Based- Two randomized control trials and a randomized noninferiority trial, all of which used comparison/control groups. However, an author on all three publications is directly affiliated with Triple P.
Three of the most relevant publications on Triple P Level 4- Triple P Online include two randomized control trials1 2 and a randomized noninferiority trial comparing Standard Triple P with Triple P Online.3 The populations sampled in these studies include children ages 2-9 years in Australia, New Zealand, Oregon, and South Carolina. Most participants identified as White, spoke English, held college degrees, had reliable access to the internet, and were at or above median incomes in their area. Results of these studies found that Triple P Online was as good as (noninferior to) Standard Triple P. The intervention groups reported lower rates and frequency of child behavior problems than the control group. The intervention group also reported lower use of dysfunctional parenting practices, greater parenting confidence, and fewer problematic situations and less intense anger than the control group. At 6-month follow-up, most gains were maintained. Mothers in the intervention group also reported greater improvements than control group mothers for hyperactivity/inattention, restlessness/impulsivity, social functioning, and defiance/aggression. Teachers reported significantly greater improvements in the prosocial behaviors of children in the intervention group, compared to the control group. The intervention group reported greater reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression than the control group. The intervention group was more likely to move from the clinically elevated to nonclinical range on several scales, including but not limited to the ECBI, SDQ, and PS scales. These scales demonstrated greater clinically reliable change among intervention recipients compared with the control group.
California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare- Triple P- Positive Parenting Program System rated 2 Supported by Research Evidence and 3 Promising Research Evidence
Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness- does not meet criteria
Blueprints Programs- Triple P System rated Promising
Franke, N., Keown, L. J., & Sanders, M. (2020). An RCT of an online parenting program for parents of preschool-aged children with ADHD symptoms. Journal of Attention Disorders, 24(12), 1716-1726.
Level 4 – Triple P. (n.d.).
Prinz, R. J., Metzler, C. W., Sanders, M. R., Rusby, J. C., & Cai, C. (2021). Online‐delivered parenting intervention for young children with disruptive behavior problems: A noninferiority trial focused on child and parent outcomes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
Sanders, M. R., Baker, S., & Turner, K. M. T. (2012). A randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of Triple P Online with parents of children with early onset conduct problems. Behavior Research & Therapy, 50, 675 684.
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Positive Parenting Program (Triple P): Level 4 Online. Local Partnership contact information can be found here.