Early Care and Education
Child's Age
0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years
ECE Owner/Operator, ECE Teachers
English, Spanish
Building Bright Futures (BBF) is program developed by the North Carolina Business Committee for Education (NCBCE), run in coordination with ApprenticeshipNC and Child Care Services Association (CCSA), that supports early childhood educator pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships in North Carolina, providing technical assistance, resources, and financial support to participants. This program supports students who want to enter the field, as well as ECE professionals who want to advance their education with credentials, certificates, or degrees. Apprenticeship creates a pipeline of talented and high-quality educators, increasing the ECE workforce and providing opportunity for growth within the field. Classroom instruction, on-the-job training, and mentorship with reflective supervision enhance this career pathway. *This is a temporary Solution. Permanency is contingent upon findings of the pilot program funded by a grant from DCDEE, which runs from January 3, 2023 to December 31, 2024.
Expected impacts are contingent upon findings of the Building Bright Futures pilot program funded by a grant from DCDEE.
English, Spanish
Pre-apprentices and apprentices receive in-person, on-the-job training at a child care center while taking related classwork at the high school or community college level, earning both school credit and industry-recognized credentials, certificates, or degrees (such as North Carolina Early Childhood Credential (NCECC), Child Development Associate (CDA), ECE Certificate (e.g., Preschool, Infant/Toddler), and Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education). Classes may be taken online or in person.
Requirements for the number of hours worked and spent with instruction vary depending on the apprenticeship design, but typically run anywhere from 6 weeks to several years. ApprenticeshipNC requires that for every 144 contact hours of Related Instruction (this refers to seat time in a class, not credit hours), the apprentice must work 2,000 paid hours. The length of the apprenticeship depends on several factors: credential or degrees identified as Related Instruction by the employer and the apprentice’s prior educational and professional experience.
Space: Office space for local administrators, as well as space and materials to facilitate small group coaching or community of practice sessions may be needed.
Although not required, a local administrator may be necessary to carry out tasks required of overseeing the apprenticeship program, such as coaching apprentices, training employers, coordinating with ApprenticeshipNC, and entering reporting data into ApprenticeshipNC’s database. Smart Start Local Partnerships can assume this role, as needed.
BBF provides education about the benefits of ECE apprenticeship and coordinates communication between key stakeholders.
BBF partners with Child Care Services Association (CCSA) to present the Mentoring Apprentices and Pre-Apprentices Program (M.A.P.P.), which offers optional Mentor Training and a Community of Practice delivered via online webinars. Early Childhood Educator Apprenticeship Mentors guide the pre-apprentices/apprentices as they complete their work-based learning and impart knowledge and skills based on the mentor’s experience and education.
Apprenticeship employers and sponsors must complete ApprenticeshipNC training about reporting, standards, and other requirements.
Morgan Ford: Program Director;
Megan Johnson: Program Manager;
Smart Start LPs must partner with BBF in their apprenticeship programs. Smart Start funds can be used to expand to new apprenticeship programs beyond those included in the BBF pilot or to further support apprenticeship programs included in the BBF pilot. This is a temporary Solution. Permanency is contingent upon findings of the pilot program funded by a grant from DCDEE, which runs from January 3, 2023 to December 31, 2024.
3105 - Accessing Professional Certification and Course Work
FY 24-25: Apprenticeship
FY 25-26: Building Bright Futures (BBF)
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Informed - Industry Standard
Contingent upon forthcoming evaluations of the Building Bright Futures pilot program. Please note that the Building Bright Futures program runs from January 3, 2023 to December 31, 2024.
Contingent upon forthcoming evaluations of the Building Bright Futures pilot program. Please note that the Building Bright Futures program runs from January 3, 2023 to December 31, 2024.
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Apprenticeship. Local Partnership contact information can be found here.