Family Support
Child's Age
2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years
Children, Parents/Guardian
English, Spanish
The Family Check-Up (FCU) model is a brief, family-centered & strengths-based approach to mindful parenting. It combines empirically-validated assessment with motivational interviewing to engage families in identifying strengths and areas for improvement in parenting. It also provides parents with simple, practical parenting strategies to promote positive child development. Improvement in parenting skills and family relationships leads to reductions in child behavioral and mental health problems over time.
English, Spanish
In-person at participant’s home, early childhood education classroom, or medical office or virtually.
Phase 1: Three 60-minute sessions; one every 1-2 weeks.
Phase 2: 1-hour long session every 2 weeks up to 12 sessions (intensity varies).
Materials: Devices with the following HIPPA-compliant capabilities: video recording, storage, and review; internet access; potential to be used for caregivers' completion of on-line assessments. A computer/tablet can be useful for reducing time spent completing and scoring the PARYC assessment. Copies of EDP manual for each staff person: Everyday Parenting: A Professional’s Guide to Building Family Management Skills. Toys to be used for family interaction tasks. Space in which staff can meet with families privately (in the family's home, in an office, or via a virtual platform). Northwest Prevention Science provides training, consulting services, and a digital delivery platform to assist with implementation.
Certified Supervisor: Master’s degree with clinical experience and experience in Motivational Interviewing and parent skills training.
Trained provider: Bachelor's degree with relevant experience, including experience or training in Motivational Interviewing. Master's degrees are preferred.
FTEs, caseloads, staff ratios, and recommended salaries are tailored to each agency/site implementing FCU.
NCPC strongly recommends staff receive training in the Standards of Quality for Family Support and Strengthening. Contact Positive Childhood Alliance North Carolina (PCANC) or National Family Support Network (NFSN) for more information, training, and certification.
There are multiple levels of training that entail different roles and abilities in the FCU model. For more information, visit Family Check-Up Training. Levels 1-3 are eligible for Smart Start funding.
Level 1- Knowledge Base Training E-Learning Course:
Level 2- Implementation Training and Support:
Level 3- Sustainability Training and Support:
Certification of a Supervisor/Trainer is not mandatory. However, it is highly recommended for model fidelity maintenance that at least two staff achieve Certification. If 3rd party verification is required or expected, the purveyor would require the implementation site to maintain Certification in good standing of at least one staff. Northwest Science will work with the implementation sites to identify the best candidates for Certification.
Lisa Reiter: Clinical Director; 843-819-7057,
Typical implementation costs are $30,000-$50,000 per agency for start-up during the first year, including Certification of two Supervisor/Trainers and all necessary materials and training. Typical implementation costs in subsequent years are approximately $7,000 per year per agency, including recertification of two Supervisor-Trainers. Costs vary depending on the number of staff implementing the FCU model.
5505 – Parent Education
Family Check-Up
FY 24-25:
†Select Family Support Programs data collection will include basic demographic data for parent/guardian participants including Race, Ethnicity. Data on interpretation and transportation will be collected when appropriate.
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Based- 2 randomized control trials and 1 additional study using the same data set as one of the randomized control trials.
Three of the most relevant studies on FCU include two separate randomized controlled studies and an additional study based on one of the RCT’s data sets. Outcomes of Shaw et al. (2006)1 showed that at age 3 FCU children showed a significant decrease in destructive behavior (moderate significance, still evident at age 4). Mothers in FCU saw an increase in maternal involvement from age 2 to 3 (stable at age 4) compared to control mothers. FCU was also significantly effective for reducing destructive behaviors in children that originally scored higher on inhibition scales and had mothers with depression. In Dishion et al. (2008),2 problem behavior grew significantly more in control group and significant improvements in positive behavior support from caregivers were found. Results depicted a significant model showing that the Family Check-Up intervention led to more positive parenting behaviors, which led to less growth in behavior issues. In 2014, Dishion et al.3 continued the research using this data set and found that parents reported a significant decrease in child oppositional-defiant behaviors between ages 2 and 5 for the intervention group. Greater engagement increased the effects of FCU as well. Results support that parenting support in early childhood may have long-term positive effects on children’s behaviors.
California Evidence Based Clearinghouse- rated “1 - Well Supported by Evidence”
Blueprints Programs- rated “Certified Promising Program”
Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse- rated “Well Supported”
Dishion, T. J., Brennan, L. M., McEachern, A., Shaw, D. S., Wilson, M. N., & Weaver, C. M. (2014). Prevention of problem behavior through annual Family Check-Ups in early childhood: Intervention effects from the home to the beginning of elementary school. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 42(3), 343-354.
Dishion, T. J., Connell, A., Weaver, C., Shaw, D., Gardner, F., & Wilson, M. (2008). The Family Check-Up with high-risk indigent families: Preventing problem behavior by increasing parents’ positive behavior support in early childhood. Child Development, 79(5), 1395-1414.
Shaw, D. S., Dishion, T. J., Supplee, L., Gardner, F., & Arnds, K. (2006). Randomized trial of a family-centered approach to the prevention of early conduct problems: 2-year effects of the Family Check-Up in early childhood. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(1), 1-9.
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Family Check-Up (FCU). Local Partnership contact information can be found here.