Family Support
Child's Age
0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years
Children, Parents/Guardian
English, Spanish
Nurturing Parenting® Program (NPP) Parents & Their Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers is a prevention-treatment program designed for families referred for parenting education by social services for child abuse, neglect, and/or family dysfunction. NPP is designed to prevent recidivism of abuse and neglect in families receiving social services, stop the intergenerational cycle of child abuse by teaching positive parenting behaviors, and lower the rate of multiple teenage pregnancies through intensive group sessions. This is a tertiary prevention program.
English, Spanish
In-person or virtual.
2.5-hour-long meetings that occur weekly for 16 consecutive weeks.
Materials: Manual for Teaching Children (if using the Nurturing Parenting Program curriculum for children's groups); Parent Handbook and/or Easy Reader Parent Handbook; Resource materials: implementation manual, multicultural parenting guide, other booklets and handbooks; Streaming, Flash drives, DVDs and CDs; Games; Assessments and evaluations: AAPI/NSCS (available online only; for more information, visit; Instructional aids; Certificates of completion
Space: Two meeting spaces are required for this program: one for the parents and one for their children. These rooms must be separate to allow for concurrent yet separate meetings for parents and children.
Group sessions require a ratio of 2 facilitators for 12-15 parents. There should be 3 or more facilitators for the children’s program, depending on their ages (children should be grouped by age and capability and engaged in age-appropriate activities in their groups).
There is no minimum education level, but staff must be experienced in conducting home-based instruction if they are implementing the home-based model and/or conducting adult groups if providing the group-based model.
Staff are required to be knowledgeable of developmental capabilities in children 0-5 years, attend the Nurturing Parenting® Program facilitator training, and regularly be supervised by administrative staff.
NCPC strongly recommends staff receive training in the Standards of Quality for Family Support and Strengthening. Contact Positive Childhood Alliance North Carolina (PCANC) or National Family Support Network (NFSN) for more information, training, and certification.
Training can be provided on site or at regional area training events and requires 3 days of training, 7 hours each day, for a total of 21 hours. For more information, visit
Amy Schlieve, PhD:, 1-800-688-5822 (email preferred)
Nurturing Parenting® Program Parents and Their Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers program materials range in price from $1,589.85 to $1,814.85, depending on which materials are selected. For more information, visit Training for Nurturing Parenting® Program facilitators lasts 3-days and costs $250 to $400 per person depending on location and trainer.
5505 - Parent Education
Nurturing Parenting Programs- Parents & Their Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers – Group Sessions
FY 24-25:
†Select Family Support Programs data collection will include basic demographic data for parent/guardian participants including Race, Ethnicity. Data on interpretation and transportation will be collected when appropriate.
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Based- 2 pretest-posttest studies, 1 quasi-experimental study, and 2 non-experimental studies. No new publications since 2015.
There have been no new publications on Nurturing Parenting® Programs since 2015. Existing relevant publications which were included in the 2018-2019 evidence review include 2 pretest-posttest studies,1,2 1 quasi-experimental study,3 and 2 other non-experimental studies.4,5 Populations sampled in the research include diverse racial/ethnic groups, diverse marital statuses, primarily low-income/low resource/unemployed parents, and diverse family formations (including teen parents, foster parents, and parents referred by social services). Research measures include AAPI-2.5, CPS data, NQ, FSHQ, and NPP attendance data. Results indicate improved scores across AAPI-2 pre- and post-tests on all domains (see domains listed above in “Research Measures”), as well as a decreased likelihoods of having a substantiated referral for maltreatment and having a CPS referral. In fact, participants receiving 25-34 hours of instruction were 173% less likely to have a substantiated referral than the control group. Families also demonstrate improved scores on the NQ assessment.
California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare- Not able to be rated
Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse- Does not currently meet criteria
Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness- Low-rated findings/does not meet criteria
AmeriCorps Impact Evaluation: Sacramento Family Support Collaborative Birth and Beyond Home Visitation Program. (2015).
Bavolek, S. J., Keene, R. G., Miranda, G., & Radcliff, J. T. (2012). Implementation of the Nurturing Parenting Programs with Latino families in Imperial County, California. Retrieved from:
Hodnett, R. H., Faulk, K., Dellinger, A., & Macher, E. (2009). Evaluation of the Statewide Implementation of a Parent Education Program in Louisiana’s Child Welfare Agency: The Nurturing Parenting Program for Infants, Toddlers, and Pre-School Children. Retrieved from:
Maher, R. J., Marcynyszyn, L. A., Corwin, T. W., & Hodnett, R. (2011). Dosage matters: The relationship between participation in the Nurturing Parenting Program for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and subsequent child maltreatment. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 1426–1434.
Montanez, M., Devall, E., VanLeeuwen, D. M. (2010). Social Capital: Strengthening Mexican-American families through parenting education. Journal of Family and Consumer Science, 102(3), 27-33.
Please note that the tertiary prevention version of Parents and Their Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (16 sessions) is approved for Smart Start funding. There is a comprehensive version of this model that has not yet been reviewed for Smart Solutions. Click here to learn more about Parents and Their Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers (16 sessions- tertiary prevention).
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Nurturing Parenting Programs (NPP): Parents & Their Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers – Group Sessions (Tertiary Prevention). Local Partnership contact information can be found here.