Early Care and Education
Child's Age
0-1 years, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, 3-4 years, 4-5 years
ECE Teachers
Technical Assistants support licensed child care centers or family child care homes promote, protect, and support breastfeeding by achieving NC BFCCD. Designation includes five standards: written policy, community connections, professional development, environment, and curriculum. Technical Assistance is the provision of targeted and customized supports by a professional(s) with subject matter and adult learning knowledge and skills to develop or strengthen processes, knowledge application, or implementation of services by recipients. Consultation is a collaborative, problem-solving process between an external consultant with specific expertise and adult learning knowledge and skills and an individual or group from one program or organization. Consultation facilitates the assessment and resolution of an issue-specific concern—a program-/organizational-, staff-, or child-/family-related issue—or addresses a specific topic. Coaching is a relationship-based process led by an expert with specialized and adult learning knowledge and skills, who often serves in a different professional role than the recipient(s). Coaching is designed to build capacity for specific professional dispositions, skills, and behaviors and is focused on goal-setting and achievement for an individual or group.
Improved ECE quality as a result of regular supportive interactions between a TA provider and Childcare Provider.
Core components based on research of technical assistance models & frameworks:
There is a strong preference for in-person consultation and coaching, but hybrid options are a reasonable response to environmental factors.
Consultation: Dosage may vary greatly, with minimum of two contacts with professional or classroom. If engaging with a single professional/classroom on a regular basis, TAs, may transition the relationship to a coaching relationship.
Coaching: relationship building, observation, and feedback over a series of encounters in duration of 6–12 months typically.
Ideally, consultation evolves into coaching or be continued support after a coaching relationship and cycle has been completed.
Materials: Knowledge and Skills - an understanding of best practice as considered by a specific standard of quality. Tools for guided self-reflection for practitioners on current classroom or organizational practices. Resources and training for practitioners
Space: As needed for group or one-on-one reflection and training
TAs must complete the Art and Science of TA training. Please contact Dedee Ephraim at for information on this training.
It is strongly recommended that TAs also complete North Carolina TA Level 11, TA Endorsement, and training in Practice Based Coaching.
NCPC is currently developing requirements related to the Framework for the North Carolina Technical Assistance Practitioner Competencies. We encourage TAs to work towards mastery in these, as we determine the minimum requirements for FY 2026 and onward.
Go NAPSACC Consultant Training and Breastfeeding Module recommended.
NC Department of Health and Human Services - Division of Child and Family Well-Being
Varies based on local staffing costs.
3104 - NC Child Care Resource and Referral Services
3125 - Quality Child Care
TA Consultation and Coaching: NC Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation Program (NC BFCCD)
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Informed
Technical Assistance (TA) is an array of services (off and on site, varying in duration, products, and processes) to childcare program staff for the purpose of equipping the early childhood workforce with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to provide/improve high quality experiences and environments for young children. TA is offered through services including targeted guidance, training,1 consultation,2 coaching, planning, modeling, and support.3 Assessments and trainings supported by TA include, but are not limited to, ITERS,4 ECERS,5 FCCRS,6 CLASS,7 PAS,8 BAS,9 POEMS,10 the Pyramid Model,11 and those training and supports for Licensure,12 NAEYC Professional Development standards,13 and IECMH,14 among others. Outcomes for TA include improved access to high quality care,15 improved ECE program environment,16 improved provider and/or director knowledge,17 enhanced program quality,18 improved teacher/child interactions,19 and increase in practice of healthy behaviors,20 among others.
Early care and education professionals
Boyd-Swan, C., & Herbst, C. M. (2018). The demand for teacher characteristics in the market for child care: evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Public Economics, 159, 183-202.
Buckley, L., Martin, S., & Curtin, M. (2020). A multidisciplinary community level approach to improving quality in early years' settings. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 18(4), 433-447.
Case-Study Santa Clara (n.d.) Teachstone.
Cosco, N. G., Moore, R. C., & Smith, W. R. (2014). Childcare outdoor renovation as a built environment health promotion strategy: evaluating the preventing obesity by design intervention. American Journal of Health Promotion, 28(3_suppl), 32.
de Haan, E., Molyn, J., & Nilsson, V. O. (2020). New findings on the effectiveness of the coaching relationship: time to think differently about active ingredients? Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 72(3).
Denton, C. A., & Hasbrouck, J. (2009). A description of instructional coaching and its relationship to consultation. Journal of Educational & Psychological Consultation, 19(2), 150–150.
Early Childhood Personnel Center. (2019). Research on Technical Assistance Models & Frameworks.
Eckhardt, A. G., & Egert, F. (2020). Predictors for the quality of family child care: a meta-analysis. Children and Youth Services Review, 116.
Ehri, L. C., & Flugman, B. (2018). Mentoring teachers in systematic phonics instruction: effectiveness of an intensive year-long program for kindergarten through 3rd grade teachers and their students. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(2), 425–456.
Fox, L., Strain, P. S., & Dunlap, G. (2021). Preventing the use of preschool suspension and expulsion: implementing the pyramid model. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 65(4), 312–322.
Han, M., Buell, M., Hallam, R., & Hooper, A. (2021). An intensive professional development in family child care: a promising approach. International Journal of Early Years Education, 29(2), 167-183.
Hegde, A. V., Vestal, A. R., Whited, J., Lambert, R. G., Norris, A., & Taylor, H. (2022). A Collaborative Approach Towards Mentoring and Evaluation to Support Beginning NC Pre-K Teachers Within Non-Public School Settings: Early Educator Support (EES) Program – A Model of Support and Professional Development for Teachers. In B. Zugelder & M. L'Esperance (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Educator Continuum and Development of Teachers (pp. 381-408). IGI Global.
Hemmeter, M. L., Barton, E., Fox, L., Vatland, C., Henry, G., Pham, L., Horth, K., Taylor, A., Binder, D. P., von der Embse, M., & Veguilla, M. (2022). Program-wide implementation of the pyramid model: supporting fidelity at the program and classroom levels. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 59, 56–73.
Hemmeter, M. L., Fox, L., Snyder, P., Algina, J., Hardy, J. K., Bishop, C., & Veguilla, M. (2021). Corollary child outcomes from the pyramid model professional development intervention efficacy trial. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 54, 204–218.
Jamison, K. R., Cabell, S. Q., LoCasale-Crouch, J., Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2014). CLASS–Infant: An Observational Measure for Assessing Teacher–Infant Interactions in Center-Based Child Care. Early Education and Development, 25(4), 553-553.
Kelton, R. E., Talan, T. N., & Bloom, P. J. (2013). Alternative pathways in family child care quality rating and improvement systems. Early Childhood Research & Practice, 15(2).
Le, L. T., Anthony, B. J., Bronheim, S. M., Holland, C. M., & Perry, D. F. (2016). A technical assistance model for guiding service and systems change. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 43(3), 380–395.
LeMasters, A. C., & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2021). Exploring outdoor play: a mixed-methods study of the quality of preschool play environments and teacher perceptions of risky play. Journal of Adventure Education & Outdoor Learning, 23(4), 1-13.
Masterson, M., Abel, M., Talan, T., & Bella, J. (2019). Building on whole leadership: energizing and strengthening your early childhood program. Gryphon House. Retrieved August 4, 2022.
Moats, L. (2019). Teaching spelling: an opportunity to unveil the logic of language. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 45(3), 17–20.
Morelen, D., Najm, J., Wolff, M., & Kelly, D. (2022). Taking care of the caregivers: The moderating role of reflective supervision in the relationship between COVID-19 stress and the mental and professional well-being of the IECMH workforce. Infant Mental Health Journal, 43(1), 55–68.
Muela, A., Larrea, I., Miranda, N., & Barandiaran, A. (2019). Improving the quality of preschool outdoor environments: getting children involved. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 27(3), 385–396.
National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (2011). Early childhood education professional development: Training and technical assistance glossary. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Neitzel, J., Early, D., Sideris, J., LaForrett, D., Abel, M. B., Soli, M., Davidson, D. L., Haboush-Deloye, A., Hestenes, L. L., Jenson, D., Johnson, C., Kalas, J., Mamrak, A., Masterson, M. L., Mims, S. U., Oya, P., Philson, B., Showalter, M., Warner-Richter, M., & Kortright Wood, J. (2019). A comparative analysis of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale–Revised and Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Third Edition. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 17(4), 408–422.
Neuman, S. B., & Cunningham, L. (2009). The impact of professional development and coaching on early language and literacy instructional practices. American Educational Research Journal, 46(2), 532–566.
Piasta, S. B., Farley, K. S., Mauck, S. A., Ramirez, P. S., Schachter, R. E., O'Connell, A. A., Justice, L. M., Spear, C. F., & Weber-Mayrer, M. (2020). At-scale, state-sponsored language and literacy professional development: impacts on early childhood classroom practices and children's outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 112(2), 329–329.
Rentzou, K. (2017). Using rating scales to evaluate quality early childhood education and care: reliability issues. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(5), 667-681.
Safyer, M. (2019). 76.3 Infant/early childhood mental health (IECMH). Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 58(10), 109.
Scarparolo, G. E., & Hammond, L. S. (2018). The effect of a professional development model on early childhood educators’ direct teaching of beginning reading. Professional Development in Education, 44(4), 492–506.
Schachter, R. E., Gerde, H. K., & Hatton-Bowers, H. (2019). Guidelines for selecting professional development for early childhood teachers. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(4), 395–408.
Shore, R. A., Lambert, R. G., & Shue, P. L. (2021). An evaluation of leadership professional development for early childhood directors. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(4), 690–703.
Telford, R. M., Olive, L. S., & Telford, R. D. (2021). A peer coach intervention in childcare centres enhances early childhood physical activity: The Active Early Learning (AEL) cluster randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition & Physical Activity, 18(1).
Tonge, K. L., Jones, R. A., & Okely, A. D. (2019). Quality interactions in early childhood education and care center outdoor environments. Early Childhood Education Journal, 47(1), 31–41.
Visnjic Jevtic, A. & Rogulj, E. (2022), “Should we get support or just guidelines?” (self) assessment on mentoring of early childhood education students. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 11(3), 262-273.
Weatherby-Fell, N., Duchesne, S., & Neilsen-Hewett, C. (2019). Preparing and supporting early childhood pre-service teachers in their professional journey. Australian Educational Researcher, 46(4), 621–637.
Ten Steps to Breastfeeding-Friendly Child Care (Carolina Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI) at UNC-Chapel Hill) process integrated to achieve five standards.
Ten Steps
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted TA Consultation and Coaching: NC Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation Program (NC BFCCD). Local Partnership contact information can be found here.