Child & Family Health
Child's Age
English, Spanish, Other
Lactation education provides support to parents and caregivers using the Ready, Set, BABY curriculum provided by the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. Implementation should include community awareness of UNC’s hotline, Breastfeeding Warmline, which can be accessed by calling (984)-974-8078 or toll free at (866) 428-5608 for anyone living in NC.
English, Spanish, Other*
*Contact purveyor about additional available languages.
If possible, in-person during prenatal visits, home visits, or group meetings. Virtual group meetings are also effective.
As needed, both prenatal and postnatal. Per BFUSA guidelines, breastfeeding education should begin early, ideally during the initial prenatal visits.
NCPC recommends that Lactation education be provided across multiple visits/workshops (as opposed to in a single stand-alone workshop or onetime visit) to give parents/caregivers time to reflect on materials and provide time for relationship building between parents and educators.
Materials: Ready, Set, BABY free resources may be printed from their website.
No specific background experience required. Educators may be parents, peer counselors, educators, nurses, childbirth educators, doulas, nutritionists, dietitians, midwives, physicians, social workers, public health workers, public administrators, and other community members with lived experience.
If implementing Lactation Education without a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC) or International Board-Certified Lactation consultant (IBCLC) on staff or as the educator, you must have a list of local CLC or IBCLCs to refer parents to when needed.
Based on the research, it is recommended that Ready, Set, BABY educators receive training in the curriculum as well as supervision from an IBCLC.
UNC Chapel Hill provides training through the Breastfeeding University, a series of three online learning modules designed for healthcare and child care providers. Each module takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Each module includes additional learning opportunities that are optional and may require additional time.
For those interested in furthering their education, please see the Lactation Consultation entry in Smart Solutions.
Kathy Parry: Project Director at Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute; (828) 242-6881,
Ready, Set, BABY is free and non-commercial. The primary costs of implementation are staffing considerations and printing resources created and shared by Ready, Set, BABY.
5413 – Prenatal/Newborn Services
Lactation Education
FY 24-25:
†Select Family Support Programs data collection will include basic demographic data for parent/caregiver participants including Race, Ethnicity. Data on interpretation and transportation will be collected when appropriate.
FY 24-25:
FY 24-25:
Evidence Informed- Lactation education is an industry standard practice supported by Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. and other medical authorities. The Ready, Set, BABY curriculum developed by the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI) housed under UNC Chapel Hill’s Department of Maternal and Child Health is evidence informed, based on two evaluations.
Three of the most relevant publications on lactation education include two evaluations of Ready, Set, BABY (RSB)1 2 and the guidelines established by Baby-Friendly USA, Inc.3 Study participants included pregnant women ages 18 and older who primarily identified as White or Hispanic/Latinx. Participants were primarily located in suburban areas of North Carolina and spoke English or Spanish. Participants’ education levels varied, ranging from some high school education to holding a doctorate. Primiparous and multiparous parents received RSB virtually, in person, in group settings, and individual sessions. Results indicated statistically significant improvements in Infant Feeding Intention (IFI) Scale scores, decreases in comfort with the idea of using formula, and improvements in knowledge of Baby-Friendly practices, including skin-to-skin contact and remaining with their baby in the same room. At post-test, RSB recipients were significantly more likely to correctly identify early infant feeding cues and to recognize risks of substituting breastmilk and identifying crying as a late infant feeding cue, rather than an early cue.
Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. (BFUSA), the national authority and accrediting body in the United States for the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), provides guidelines and evaluation criteria to uphold the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding in the United States. This includes the need for providing pregnant women with basic information about breastfeeding as well as support regarding their decisions around breastfeeding. Primary care facilities are urged to provide counseling about the benefits, management, and potential challenges of breastfeeding so pregnant women can make informed decisions. Ultimately, breastfeeding education must be responsive to the family's questions and concerns while remaining informative and culturally sensitive.
Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. (2021). Step 3 – Prenatal Care. Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria for Facilities Seeking Baby-Friendly Designation, Sixth Edition (pp. 38-43). Baby-Friendly USA.
Parry, K. C., Tully, K. P., Hopper, L. N., Schildkamp, P. E., & Labbok, M. H. (2018). Evaluation of Ready, Set, BABY: A prenatal breastfeeding education and counseling approach. Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, 46(1), 113-120.
Wouk, K., Parry, K. C., Bridgman, J., Palmquist, A. E. L., Perkins, M., Smetana, A., Woods-Barr, A., & Sullivan, C. S. (2023). Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Prenatal Breastfeeding Education Curriculum Adapted for the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ready, Set, Baby Live COVID-19 Edition. The Journal of Perinatal Education. 32(1), 48-66.
Local Partnerships in purple have adopted Lactation Education. Local Partnership contact information can be found here.